The Approach

I work with clients for approximately three months each round. We begin with online preparation sessions to build rapport, trust, surfacing emotions, shadow, family, dreams, aspirations etc. The idea is to place on the figurative table as much conscious/unconcious content as possible. The psychedelic experience can surface much of this inner content therefore we prepare by creating a container to hold the possibilities of healing in these areas of your life.

The next phase is the actual experience which occurs at a holistic wellness center completely surrounded by the healing qualities of nature. The entire venue is ours during the whole experience. We arrive in the morning, and only depart in the later afternoon when you feel ready to return home. The next days are crucial for maximum rest as the medicine continues to work in our sleep, dreams, and waking state.

The next phase is arguably the most important; integration. In these online sessions we begin to discuss and work with the themes of your psychedelic experience. We create an integral practice to help process and translate those themes. Integral practice are sustainable and consistent actions, subjective to you, and executed on a daily, weekly, and/or monthly basis. For example, a spiritual meditation practice executed twice a week or an embodied physical dance practice executed once a week. The idea is to create practices that stimulate 5 areas: physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and interpersonal domains. My intention in supporting this overall process is to help you create and develop an integral lifestyle through these practices which help process not only the present psychedelic experience, but other life experiences in the future.